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Healing a Neighborhood with Education and Action

One West Modesto neighborhood is taking action to solve its most challenging issues. Area retailers consist of small convenience stores, and there is minimal access to fresh food, especially fruits and vegetables. Overweight and obese adults make up 66 percent of the population, and 15 percent of children
are also overweight.

The West Modesto King Kennedy Neighborhood Collaborative is tackling a vision of change that includes the creation of wellness programs, elimination of lifestyle diseases and improvements in environmental safety, including the planned construction of more walkways and parks.

Goals of this magnitude take partners. Working with Kaiser Permanente, the West Modesto King Kennedy Neighborhood Collaborative is planning for sustainable lifestyle changes.

“We are delighted that Kaiser Permanente is our partner,” said Carole Collins, West Modesto King Kennedy Neighborhood Collaborative Director. “They are helping us to achieve our goals. We now have agreements with two large, local employers to adopt a worksite wellness program promoting physical activity
among employees. We now have 10 health advocates who train neighborhood families on the importance of good nutrition and regular physical activity. We are developing neighborhood walking trails and encourage ‘Walk to School’ events.”

“Our collaborative is growing to more than 400 members in West Modesto,” Collins continued. “We’re going to make an impact in this community and we’re going to be healthier as we go. Our children will notice the changes. We’re active in schools, community clinics and collaborate with public health agencies.”

For more information about our Community Benefit program here in the Central Valley please contact: 

Marie Sanchez
Community Benefit Manager
Phone: (209) 735-5337
Email: marie.sanchez@kp.org

Additional Community Benefit resources are available online at the KP Community Benefit website.