News & Events

Get tips to help care for loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer's

Kaiser Permanente is partnering with the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California to offer a series of educational seminars for patients with dementia and their caregivers. The next of these will take place Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at the Modesto Medical Center.

The presentation will focus on two separate topics: “Healthy Living for your Brain and Body” and “Driver Safety and the Aging Driver.”

Support groups provide additional layer of comfort for cancer patients and survivors

Kaiser Permanente care teams in the Central Valley have been recognized for their comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to cancer care — and have received prestigious accreditations from the Commission on Cancer and the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) for their efforts

Part of this important work includes offering resources for patients to help support them through their cancer journey. Several cancer support groups meet at our facilities, providing an outlet for patients and their families to connect with others who are, or have been, on the same journey.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month – What you should know about diabetes and oral health

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Among the many health risks associated with diabetes, did you know there is a 2-way street that connects diabetes and oral health?

People with diabetes are more likely to get gum disease. You’re especially at risk for gum disease if your diabetes isn’t well controlled. Diabetes can also cause dry mouth, which can lead to soreness, infections, and cavities.

Gum disease can make diabetes harder to manage. Severe gum disease can increase blood sugar (glucose) levels and make complications related to diabetes worse.

To keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy you should:
Brush twice a day. Use a toothpaste with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal.
Floss daily. You can use a floss pick if you find it easier.
See your dentist. Get regular cleanings and checkups.

Learn more about living healthier with diabetes by visiting

More appointment options at the Kaiser Permanente Manteca Medical Offices

Kaiser Permanente members in San Joaquin County now have more options to book an appointment with an Adult and Family Medicine or Pediatrics provider at the Kaiser Permanente Manteca Medical Offices located at 1721 W. Yosemite Avenue.

The regular business hours for these two Manteca departments have been expanded. The new hours are now 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The operating hours of other departments at the facility remain unchanged.

Cancer program earns full accreditation

The Commission on Cancer, a program of the American College of Surgeons, has granted a three-year accreditation with commendation to our Central Valley cancer programs. KP Central Valley has been designated a Comprehensive Community Cancer Program. We have also been re-accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) a breast cancer accreditation also administered by the American College of Surgeons.

The Commission on Cancer and NAPBC are dedicated to improving the survival and quality of life for cancer patients through standard setting, prevention, research, education, and the monitoring of comprehensive quality care. Our Central Valley cancer program met or exceeded the 12 Eligibility Requirements and 25 Standards for new programs, and the 28 Standards required for breast center accreditation.

To learn more about our cancer program, visit our Cancer Care web site for members.