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Diablo Sponsorship Guidelines

Kaiser Permanente Diablo Service Area

2020 Sponsorship Guidelines

Kaiser Permanente’s mission is to provide high quality, affordable health care services and improve the total health of our members and the community we serve. We show this commitment daily through our interactions with patients and also through a variety of programs and activities designed to enrich the health of those around us. Our mission dictates that we not only provide excellent service and care to our members, but that we also reach out to assist the most vulnerable and underserved in our local communities. This is the foundation on which our mission was built and how our organization has flourished for more than 70 years.

Kaiser Permanente’s Diablo Service Area Public Affairs department coordinates the funding and resources to support community partners, organizations, and agencies across Central County, East County, and the Tri-Valley area. Thank you for your interest in the 2020 Kaiser Permanente Diablo Service Area Sponsorship Program.

Community Relations Sponsorships

The Kaiser Permanente Diablo Service Area Public Affairs department will consider sponsorship requests for local community activities and civic events, under the Community Relations program.

Types of request that will be accepted for consideration include, but are not limited to:

  • Special events (e.g. health fairs, dinners, lunches, cultural events, fundraisers, etc.)
  • Conferences and forums
  • Symposia
  • Health education forums
  • Health campaigns and initiatives

Kaiser Permanente’s Diablo Service Area Public Affairs department will not consider funding requests from the following types of organizations or for the following activities/purposes:

  • Political campaigns*
  • Contributions to endowments or memorials
  • Emergency loans
  • Youth sports leagues
  • Field trips
  • Religious purposes**
  • Individual and/or personal requests such as scholarships, individual fundraising, individual tuition, payment for education purposes, conferences, etc.

*As a nonprofit organization, Kaiser Permanente is legally prohibited from funding political campaigns.

**Kaiser Permanente may fund faith organizations providing secular programs that serve the greater community. These organizations must apply under a fiscal sponsor. A community nonprofit partner with an eligible 501 ( c ) 3 IRS status can apply for funding as a fiscal sponsor on behalf of an inter-faith collaborative.

Community Relations sponsorship requests will be evaluated on successful events or projects that seek sponsorships that will demonstrate:

  • The potential for long-term, sustainable relationships consistent with Kaiser Permanente’s mission and goals
  • The ability to reach targeted audiences
  • The potential for the event request to leverage with additional resource investment

Community Relations will also give consideration to sponsorship requests in the following community health priority areas for 2019-2020:

  • Community Healthy and Wellness
  • Behavioral Health
  • Tri-Valley
  • Key Business Partners
  • Thriving Schools

Eligibility Criteria

  • Kaiser Permanente will consider requests from qualified organizations that serve the Diablo Service Area.
  • Only non-profit or public benefit organizations are eligible to receive funding.
    • Unincorporated groups or agencies can make arrangements to utilize an eligible nonprofit organization as a fiscal sponsor.
  • Projects must address the needs of the Diablo Service Area.
  • Funding preference will be given to organizations that serve vulnerable populations within the Diablo Service Area.
  • Strategies must be consistent with the values and mission of Kaiser Permanente
  • Funds must be spent by December 31, 2020.

Application Requirements

When completing the online sponsorship request to the Kaiser Permanente Diablo Service Area, please be prepared to provide the following:

  1. Letter of Request or invoice on organization’s letterhead including:
    1. Organization address
    2. Organization contact name, title and email
    3. Org Tax ID
    4. Amount of funding request and purpose of funding request
    5. Mailing address for check, if different from address on organization letter
  1. Current list of Board of Directors and their affiliations
  1. Copy of current agency tax exempt letter
  1. If organization has never received funding from KP, a completed W9
  1. Sponsorship Benefits (if applicable)

Funding Cycle

 Applications will be accepted during the following application periods in January and July of 2020:

First Cycle: January 1 – January 31

Second Cycle: July 1 – July 31

Fiscal Agent

If a fiscal agent is being used, then the request and required information must  also be submitted on the fiscal agency’s letterhead along with a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOU). In addition, all required documentation must be submitted for the fiscal agent organization.

Speakers Bureau

The physicians and health professionals from Kaiser Permanente are experts in their field of practice and have a wealth of information to share with the community. Kaiser Permanent’s Speakers Bureau program can provide a physician or other health professional as a speaker for your club, organization, conference and/or seminar.

Volunteer Requests

Kaiser Permanente has long supported volunteering and community service as part of accomplishing our social mission and commitment to the community. The internal Kaiser Permanente volunteer website called KPCares makes it easy to find, post and share local volunteer opportunities to Kaiser Permanente employees.

If your organization would like to post your event onto the KPCares website, please send a request to Diablokp@kp.org.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about the sponsorship process, please contact the Public Affairs department at Daniel.X.Mejia@kp.org.