News & Events

One Village program

Having a new baby in the house can be both joyful and exhausting. The most helpful advice and support for new parents often comes from other parents in the same situation. That’s why, at Santa Clara Medical Center, we’re inviting local families with new babies to come together and form a “village”: One Village is a program that provides routine, well-baby medical care in a group setting with several families that have babies of the same age. The same families will meet at regular appointments during their babies’ first year. Each One Village appointment will be with a pediatrician, a medical assistant, and a nurse. And your pediatrician will still be available for individual visits as needed for urgent medical issues.

To find out more, contact the Labor and Delivery Department or Newborn Care Center at Santa Clara Medical Center at 408-851-7300.

Kaiser Permanente International Travel Services

Look inside KP!

At Kaiser Permanente we are proud of the care we provide and even prouder of the people who provide it. That’s why we’re starting to share some of the great stories we have about the special people of Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Find a story that speaks to you on

Topics: In The News

Don’t wait at the pharmacy- Enjoy life!

Make your prescriptions come to you – at no extra cost

If you’re picking up a routine prescription refill, chances are good you’d rather be spending your valuable time someplace other than the pharmacy.

Get your prescription refills mailed directly to your home.
(Appropriate co-pays apply).

Topics: Member Benefits

Explore Kaiser Permanente's Farmers Markets!

The first Farmers Market at a Kaiser Permanente facility started in 2002 at the Oakland Medical Center and now there are over 55 Kaiser Permanente farmers markets nationwide, making fresh produce available to members, employees, and the community. As the markets multiplied, Dr. Preston Maring, MD, started sharing recipes with colleagues by email and then on his blog.

Food for Health, is now the place for dedicated Kaiser Permanente caregivers to post recipes and talk about important issues related to nutrition and health. Check out our local market in Santa Clara on and then find a recipe to enjoy the fresh food you purchased here: Food for Health

Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Certified Farmers Market
Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., year-round

Topics: Events, Health News