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Postpartum: Family and Baby


We hope your time in the hospital is a very special bonding experience for you and your family.  A baby is a precious gift and we are honored to be able to guide you through your experience.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you or your family may have.

During your recovery from your delivery you will stay in one of our private Postpartum rooms located on the 3 North side of the hospital.  You will be cared for by Postpartum nurses who specialize in caring for you and your family after delivery and preparing you for your journey to home.  The important thing to remember is to rest, bond with your baby and learn from our expert nurses.

You will be given an admission packet that will include a Journey Home booklet, birth certificate work sheet, Car Seat information, Celebratory Meal menu , Healthy Beginnings Newsletter #10 and resources for breastfeeding.  As you are reading through the information make sure you write down your questions for the providers so that when they arrive you will remember to ask.  You will find a Note icon on the iPad to write questions on if you would like.

The primary goal on the Postpartum unit is to prepare you for your journey home.  This is done by supporting you with the care of not only yourself but also your baby.  The team will help you with the different things you need to know about baby care i.e.: cord care, how to change a diaper, when to feed the baby, how to breast feed, recording of how many times your baby pees and poops (your Pediatrician will want to know this information when you go for your follow up visit).  We encourage rooming in with your baby throughout your stay so you can bond and learn to recognize your baby’s needs and to help with breastfeeding.

If you do need extra help with breastfeeding we do have a Lactation Specialists on staff that can assist you with this.  They will help you if you need a breast pump or any other special equipment to help you breastfeed your baby.  Our goal is to have you be successful in your efforts to breastfeed.  Make sure you ask questions and seek the help you need during the time you are in the hospital.  If the Lactation Specialist is unable to see you please do not worry.  Our other team members have all been trained to assist you with your needs.

Unsure of what to expect during your first 6 weeks at home?