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Heart Health

Congestive Heart Failure Self-Care

Learn what congestive heart failure is and important self-care skills that can improve your quality of life. We cover healthy eating, activity, medications, and the importance of weighing yourself. Caregivers are encouraged to attend with you. Members only.

Location: South Sacramento

Sessions: One 2-hour session

Fee: No class fee

Registration: 916-688-6880 (referral required)

Heart Health Nutrition

Diet plays a big role in management of cholesterol levels, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. If you have one or more of these conditions, this class is for you. Topics include learning how to eat more healthfully in a restaurant, adopt low-fat cooking techniques, and read food labels. Members only.

Location: Elk Grove (Big Horn) and South Sacramento

Sessions: One 1.5-hour session

Fee: No class fee for members

Registration: 916-688-2457

Living Heart-Healthy Class

Learn to lower your risk for heart attack and stroke through heart-healthy lifestyle changes, including healthy eating and taking blood pressure at home.

Sessions: One 2-hour session

Fee: This is a covered benefit for members

Registration: Elk Grove (Big Horn) 916-478-5680 South Sacramento 916-688-2428


Were you recently hospitalized for a heart attack, angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery? This 3-to 6-month outpatient rehabilitation program provides counseling on medication, exercise, smoking cessation, risk factor modification, and healthy eating to keep you on your path to recovery. Members only.

Location: South Sacramento

Sessions: Ongoing

Fee: No class fee

Registration: Referral required. Contact your provider