News and Events

Kaiser Permanente Health Plans Receive Highest Ratings

When Warren Keppler, a teacher, trainer and motivational speaker was diagnosed with tongue cancer, he faced tough choices about his care.

Changes to ADA Spaces at Walnut Creek Medical Center

Beginning April 13, the four ADA parking spaces behind the Flu Vaccination Program trailer will be unavailable for use, as our Imaging Services department will be undergoing construction.

Walnut Creek Medical Center Earns Prestigious Cancer Center Accreditation

The Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons has granted Three-Year Accreditation with five commendations to the cancer program at Kaiser Permanente’s Walnut Creek Medical Center.

Understanding the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” requires most people to have health care insurance starting 2014. So you’re probably asking, “What do I need to know? What do I have to do?” The good news is there’s nothing for you to do right now but to get informed.

Kaiser Permanente Members Have Access to their Medical Information with the Touch of a Finger

Can your smartphone help you live longer? Maybe. Can it help you live healthier? Definitely. Kaiser Permanente has launched a number of mobile apps to help you Thrive.