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What to Expect

Midwife-led care

Our midwives provide hands-on care to you while providing a learning environment for our resident physician program. During labor, delivery, and after birth, our midwives contribute their professional clinical expertise and their knowledge of scientific research about the best birth practices to provide the highest quality care aligned with your personal values and goals.

Team care

Your care team is led by your midwife and an attending physician who supervise Labor and Delivery activity, as well as 2 to 4 resident physicians who are involved in the care of our patients. Your registered bedside nurse will be your primary partner during your stay, working to meet your needs. Anesthesia providers, lactation consultants, perinatologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, and social workers may complete your team.

The Labor and Delivery team in Oakland has the capacity to care for every one of our pregnant members. We are able to care for women along the spectrum of health. A full range of medical interventions is available as needed. Any interventions that we believe will benefit you and your baby will be discussed with you. We are able and honored to care for ALL our mothers-to-be.


  • The process and beauty of birth
  • You, your body, your birth preferences
  • Your right to make decisions about your care that meet your goals


  • Your emotional and physical well-being
  • Movement and nutrition in labor
  • A team of your choice, including up to 3 partners, family members, doulas, and/or friends


  • Your experience, plans, and intentions for coping with labor
  • Monitoring of your baby to help ensure a safe and healthy delivery
  • Timing of the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord


  • Bonding with your baby via skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding
  • Allowing your body to discover how to give birth on its own time


What is a midwife?