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Diabetes Management

Blood Sugar Self-Monitoring

Learn how to use your glucose meter to check blood sugar levels at home. Please bring your glucose meter to class. Taught by a health educator.

Sessions: One session

Registration: Call 408-362-4740.


Learn how to help prevent or delay onset of Type 2 Diabetes by eating well and exercising.

Sessions: One, 2-Hour session

Registration: Call 408-972-3340

Diabetes Basics

Feel better and be active and healthy by learning the basics of managing your type 2 diabetes. Explore the five key areas of type 2 diabetes management: healthy eating, exercise,
monitoring your blood sugar levels, proper use of medication, and managing stress.

Sessions: One 1.5-hour session

Registration: Call 408-972-3340. Online registration is available for this class through kp.org/appointments.

Diabetes Nutrition

In this advanced class, get tips on planning meals, counting carbs, and reading food labels. Learn new ways to prepare your favorite foods as well as how to enjoy eating out healthfully.

Sessions: One session

Registration: Call 408-972-3340

Diabetes Healthy Habits

Every action you take to control your diabetes – big or small- is a step in the right direction. In this class, you’ll get tips on establishing healthy habits using goal planning and peer support. Also available in Spanish.

Sessions: One, 2-Hour session

Registration: Call 408-972-3340

Heart Smart/PHASE: Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes Every Day

Learn how to Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes Everyday(PHASE) through healthy lifestyles and by managing your medications. This class is for anyone who has diabetes, coronary
artery disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, or had a stroke or TIA. Topics include the ABCs of PHASE, medications, healthy eating, physical activity,
weight management, and resources available.

Sessions: One session

Registration: Call 408-362-4740

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