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Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Issues

Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse Many teens try alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, but using these substances is not safe or legal. Some teens try these substances only a few times and stop. Others can’t control their urges or cravings for them. This is substance abuse. Teens may…

Helping Your Child Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol The best thing parents can do to help prevent drug and alcohol misuse by their children is to get involved before a drug problem starts. Talk honestly and openly about all kinds of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol as well as other things kids…

Substance Abuse: Dealing with Teen Substance Use Use of alcohol, cigarettes, inhalants, and other drugs among adolescents is a major concern for parents. Preteens and teens are starting to use harmful and illegal substances at younger ages. Teen drinking, smoking, and drug use can affect…

Learning About Drug Abuse and Addiction in Teens Drug abuse means using drugs in a way that harms you or causes you to harm others. You can abuse illegal drugs, prescription drugs, or over-the-counter drugs. Most of the time, drug abuse starts with casual use. You may not think there…

Learning About Alcohol Abuse and Addiction in Teens Alcohol abuse means having unhealthy or dangerous drinking habits, such as drinking every day or drinking too much at a time. Alcohol abuse can harm you and may cause you to harm others. You may think a drink or two is okay, even if…

Blood Alcohol Test for Your Teen: About This Test A blood alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol in the body. This measurement is called the blood alcohol concentration, or BAC. The blood alcohol test measures only the amount of alcohol in the blood at the time the sample is taken. It…