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Alcohol and Drugs

Excessive drug and alcohol use often cause accidents, serious medical conditions, and many other problems for you and your family. The overuse or abuse of alcohol (alcoholism) or other drugs is called substance abuse. It is common and costly. It can cause or worsen many medical problems and destroy families and lives. If drug or alcohol abuse is a problem for you or someone close to you, now is the time to seek help.

Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to helping you and your family with your alcohol and drug concerns. Below are some resources that we think you will find helpful. You can pick-up additional pamphlets, brochures or tip-sheets in any of our Health Education Centers.


Alcohol and Other Drug Problems
Alcohol: Healthy or Harmful?
Cirrhosis of the Liver

Self-Help Groups

Self-help groups are proven to be a vital component in recovery from drugs and alcohol. For the convenience of our members, we have scheduled several of them in the same building as our Chemical Dependency Program. Although we provide rooms for the meetings, these groups are not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings have a spiritual component and provide structured series of steps to help people achieve and maintain recovery.


LifeRing is not spiritually based and helps participants learn a new set of behaviors and thinking patterns for relapse prevention.


Al-Anon provides support for family members of chemically dependent people.

For more information:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): 510- 839-8900
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): 510- 444-4673
Al Anon: 510- 276-2270
LifeRing: 510- 763-0779