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Physical Therapy in Fremont

Class information

The following classes are offered by the Physical Therapy Department in Fremont and below you will find descriptions for each class.  Please call for latest dates and times and if you have any questions regarding our classes.

ACL class:

The ACL class is for members who are recovering from Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery or who have had an ACL injury.  This class meets for progressive exercise and treatment to restore strength and flexibility.  The goal is to get the patient back to their sports and recreational activities.  This class starts shortly after surgery and can last as long as 11 weeks.  The class meets on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. and Fridays at 8:00 a.m.  Wednesdays, patients participate in independent gym workouts.  For more information, and a printable version of this course, please follow the link.

Back Class

Your Doctor may schedule you in the back class if you have back pain.  This is a one time class which discusses strategies for resolving back pain.  For more information a printable course description follow the link.

To view the course presentation, please follow the link.

For a handout of back exercises, please follow the link.



Your Physical Therapist may schedule you in this class if you have a fear of falling, have recently fallen, have a history of falls, or your balance just isn’t as good as it used to be.  Learn the body’s systems that affect your balance and how to improve them through static and dynamic balance exercises for standing and walking.  For more information, and a printable version of this course, please follow the links below.
Fall Prevention Checklist
Preventing Falls – What can you do
Exercise for Balance
Frequently Asked Questions


Beginning Back Class

Your Physical Therapist may suggest this class if you have a back problem.  The class discusses basic anatomy of the back, gives instructions in back exercises, and practices proper body mechanics with everyday activities.  If you are taking this class please come 10 minutes prior to the class dressed so that you may exercise.  This is a one time only class.  Our receptionists or your Physical Therapist can provide you with available dates and times.  Follow the link for a printable course description.

Here is a printable version of the class handout.


Core Class

Your physical therapist may recommend this class if you will benefit from core strengthening exercises.  For more information and a printable course description follow the link.



This class is for patients who have had a stroke.  Participants meet as a group for check-in and then exercise in the gym under supervision.  Some individual and small group work on walking, balance, hand/arm exercises, as well as other everyday activities are scheduled on an as-needed basis.  The class meets once a week on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 to 2:30.  For more information, please talk with your Physical or Occupational Therapist who can refer you to the class if appropriate.  Follow the link for a printable flyer for this class

Knee Class

Your doctor or your Physical Therapist may schedule you for this class.  This class is designed to help members with knee pain and involves doing a number of strengthening and stretching exercises.  By the end of the class you should have a basic exercise program for the knee as well as an understanding of basic pain management and pain relief techniques.  Your primary care provider, your Physical Therapist or our receptionist will be able to let you know available dates and times.  Please follow the link for printable version of the course description and frequently asked questions.  For a printable version of the class hand out, please follow the link.

Neck Class

If you have neck pain your doctor or your physical therapist may schedule you for the neck class. This class will teach you how to manage or decrease neck pain by use of improved body awareness, proper body mechanics, exercises and self care. It is a one time only class.  Please follow the link for a printable version of the course description and frequently asked questions.  For a printable version of the class handout, please follow the link.  If you have additional questions, then please see our FAQ flyer.



Parkinson’s Disease Education Lecture: Exercise as Medicine

The Parkinson’s Disease Education Lecture:  Exercise as Medicine class is for patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.  This is a lecture where you will learn information about what Parkinson’s Disease is, who the members of your Kaiser Permanente team are, the importance of exercise and Parkinson’s Disease, and what you can do at home to get started with exercise.  There will be a question and answer session at the end.
For more information, and a printable version of this course, please follow the link.



Recovery After Breast Cancer Surgery

The RECOVERY AFTER BREAST CANCER SURGERY is for all patients currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer or for patients  who have completed their treatment and have questions about getting back to life, work and leisure activities.   The goal of the class is to educate patients about activity guidelines after surgery, to provide exercises to help regain shoulder range of motion, and to teach patients how to manage the physical effects of cancer treatment.  This is a one time only class which the patients attend shortly after surgery.  For more information, you can follow the link for a downloadable flyer or call us at 510-248-3200


Shoulder class

Your doctor or your Physical Therapist may schedule you for the Shoulder class.  This is a one time only class designed to help members with shoulder pain.  By the end of the class you should have a basic exercise program for your shoulder as well as an understanding of basic pain management and pain relief techniques.  Follow the link for a printable flyer. Below you will find various class resources:

Shoulder Class Flyer

Shoulder Class handout

Shoulder Class Presentation – 2013

TKA (Total Knee Class)

Patients who have recently had a total knee replacement will be sent to Physical Therapy to participate in the Total Knee Class.   The first appointment will be an initial consultation with a Physical Therapist.  The Total Knee class meets in the Physical Therapy Department every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 to 12:30.  On average, patients will continue attending the class for 2-3 months after their initial consultation.  Follow the link for a printable flyer.

Additional courses offered by the Department of Health Education:

Safety, Balance and Fall Prevention

Improving Your Bladder Health