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Senior Health

Alzheimer’s and other Dementias: Support and Education Group for Caregivers

Please follow the link for more information on our monthly group meeting.


Gentle Exercise for Healthy Aging

Exercise your body, your outlook, and your brain! This class focuses on building strength and coordination while improving your balance to help prevent falls. Learn fun ways to keep active through gentle movement.

Open to the community. Call for class fee.

Location: Hayward-Sleepy Hollow

Sessions: Ongoing; Wednesday morning

Registration:  510-675-4531

Safety, Balance, and Fall Prevention

Get help to stay independent. In this introductory class, you will learn why falls can happen, how to make your home safer, and basic exercises to improve strength, balance, and coordination. Family members and caregivers are welcome. Open to the community.
Location: Fremont
Dates/Time: Call for dates and times
Fee: No fee
Registration: Call 510-248-3455 Fremont; 510-675-4531 Union City


Life Care Planning

Life care planning begins with completing an Advance Health Care Directive to ensure that your values and wishes regarding health care are honored if, for any reason, you are unable to communicate for yourself.  We can help guide you on how to complete an Advance Health Care Directive, what to consider in making health decisions, and choosing a health care agent to speak on your behalf. Life Care Planning classes are available, or you can arrange to speak with a member of our staff for personalized instruction. To get started now, visit kp.org/lifecareplan.


Fall Prevention Self-Help

Online! Watch the “Fall prevention” video at kp.org/watch or at kp.org/mydoctor by coming in to our Health Living where we can provide support, or watch online from a place you choose.  Come in to our Health Living Center to pick up our Guide to Preventing Falls booklet, learn about classes for improving strength and balance, and for support in watching the “Fall prevention” video.

If you need more information or would like to register for a class, please contact one of our Health Living Centers:

Fremont: 510- 248-3455

San Leandro: 510-454-4531

Union City 510- 675-4531