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Tips to Maintain Memory

Eat Regular, Nutritious Meals

  • Provide a balanced diet with a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein foods
  • Limit foods with high saturated fat and cholesterol, such as butter, shortening, lard and fatty cuts of meat
  • Cut down on refined sugars, or switch them out for healthier options like fruit or juice-sweetened baked goods
  • Limit foods with high sodium and use less salt, and use spices or herbs to season food instead
  • Stay hydrated by drinking small cups of water or other liquids throughout the day


  • Regular exercise increases energy levels, reduces apathy and improves the overall sense of well-being
  • Since lack of motivation can be significant, a personal trainer may be used to provide assistance
  • Examples: walking, tai-chi, swimming, biking

Stay Mentally and Socially Active

  • Engage your brain to maintain function
  • Examples of mental exercise: card games, word games, Sudoku, board games, Lumosity, reading but only if you discuss what you read with someone else (note: TV is not considered mental activity)
  • Examples of social exercise: talk with friends or family several times a week, take a course in something of interest to you, participate in caregiver groups or daycare

Use Tips to Help You Remember

  • Keep lists
  • Follow a routine
  • Make associations in your mind
  • Keep a detailed calendar
  • Repeat names when you meet new people
  • Jog your memory by running through the ABCs in your head