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Maternal/Child Health

Our Labor and Delivery unit, Mother/Baby unit, and Nursery provide a friendly and warm environment to support the birthing experiences of families and their new arrivals. We offer the personalized care of experienced certified nurse-midwives for most normal deliveries. Our nursing, lactation, and social services staff will assist with your every need.

We offer numerous resources for parents including:

  • Newsletters about preparing for your baby’s arrival, and caring for your child at different ages;
  • Classes such as Newborn Care, Preparing for Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and support groups like Baby and Me;
  • Lactation experts to assist mothers and babies;
  • The Newborn Channel in our hospital rooms;
  • Newborn care videos which can be watched from your computer.

Caring for Your Newborn: Newborn Nursery

Watch a virtual tour of our labor and delivery center at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Redwood City.

This is our Well-Baby Nursery. The Nurses will take your newborn here to receive the Newborn Hearing Screening to ensure that your baby has normal hearing. The nurses will also take your baby here for the state-required California Newborn Screening blood test to detect metabolic disorders. If you choose to have your son circumcised, he will also go to the Well-Baby Nursery for the procedure.

Our Intermediate Care Nursery is for babies needing extra attention and is located next to the Well-Baby Nursery. We offer Neonatal Intensive Care Service units at other nearby medical centers to care for babies born earlier than 34 weeks.