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10 Healthy Habits
Limit eating out to less than once a week.
This includes fast food and take out
Eat breakfast every day
Eat family meals at regular times
Turn off the TV/screens
Sit down and dine together
Aim for at least 5 fruit and vegetables every day
Goal is for 2-3 fruitand 2-3 veggies/day
Choose healthy snacks instead of packaged snacks
Eat from a variety of fruit
Avoid processed foods like cookies, chips, candies
Drink water instead of sugary drinks and juice
Do not keep soda, juice, or other sweet drinks in the house
Try flavoring water with a slice of lemon, lime, orange, or cucumber
Try non-sweetened sparkling water
Do not add powder or flavoring to milk (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry)
Get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day
This can include playing at the park, doing a sport, or joining a class
Try to add walking briskly and taking the stairs when possible every day
Fit in family activity as much as possible
Limit Screen time (TV, computer, video games, phones)
0-2 years old, discourage screen media exposure.
2-9 years old, limit to no more than 1 hour a day
10-18 years old, limit to no more than two hours a day
Screens should be kept out of children’s bedrooms
Enforce with Parental Control apps, locks, and passwords
Do not eat distracted by screens
Get enough sleep:
2-4 year olds need 11-13 hours/day(overnight plus naps)
5-11 year olds need 10-11 hours/day
12-17 year olds need 8-10 hours/day
Avoid screen time (TV, videos, phone) 1-2 hours before bed to avoid having difficulty falling asleep
Be Mindful:
Slow down. Tune in to the present moment.
How are you feeling?
Take a few deep breaths. Take a moment for yourself.
Notice if you are feeling hungry or bored before you eat. If you are bored, avoid snacking–do an alternative