

Our Genetic Counselors

Sue Demsey, MS, LCGC

Education & Experience

Since my time as an undergrad at Boston University, I have been an avid believer in a mind-body connection. My double majors of biology and psychology attest to this conviction. At the master’s program for genetic counseling at Sarah Lawrence College, the emphasis on counseling solidified my training. However, it has been the thousands of patients I have encountered in the last twenty seven years at Kaiser Permanente who have really been my teachers. I have learned that listening is more important than talking.

My academic interests in research were promoted when I worked at the University of Utah Medical Center. I learned the value of a critical eye so that science can be tailored to the needs of the patient.

I have been an active member of the Downey Medical Center Tumor Board for over 5 years. I have chaired the Genetics Department committee aimed at creating member education documents and have spearheaded the move to have a department website over 15 years ago. I enjoy working with my colleagues because I find our team to be a group of intelligent, patient focused and dedicated individuals. I can communicate with my patients in Spanish to a moderate degree.

I am a long standing member of the National Society of Genetic Counselors and the American Society of Human Genetics and I attend educational conferences annually to keep up my knowledge and skills. Often, I present my own interesting research at these same educational conferences.

About My Practice

Sometimes, I feel like a detective going on an investigative journey with my patients. Great improvements in testing through DNA analysis and microarray now allow us to assist persons at all stages of life, from preborn to octogenarian. I enjoy being a “generalist”, because that conforms to my views of looking at the broad picture of a person as a whole. This includes the prenatal diagnosis and screening field, working with worried pregnant women, the pediatric area, working with parents of children with special needs, and the cancer field, trying to bring an informative light to the persons with cancer or at risk for cancer. I enjoy making the complicated understandable.

Genetic counseling as a profession and clinical service has grown in the last few decades and I have grown along with it. I have seen the field change with the advent of many advanced DNA tests from having an emphasis on pediatrics and prenatal involvement to cancer and adult conditions. I believe this explosion of technology should be accessible to all who need it. As a genetic counselor, I feel perfectly equipped to be the specialist who can be called on to interpret and explain the new science. In addition, I can be the person who is supportive in time of change and crisis.


How I Thrive

My personal interests include travel, reading, crafts, knitting and dancing because I find those hobbies relaxing and challenging for the mind.