Women's Health

Women's Health

Postpartum: First 6 weeks after childbirth

One minute you’re pregnant, and the next minute you’re not. Your body needs time to heal and adjust after pregnancy and labor. This period of adjustment is called postpartum.

Expect it to take 4 to 6 weeks for your body to recover, maybe longer if you had a C-section.

Your doctor want to see you for a postpartum checkup 2 to 8 weeks after you have your baby to make sure you’re healing well. This is a good time to talk about any concerns, including birth control.

Common postpartum symptoms

  • Your legs, ankles and feet might swell immediately after delivery, but your kidneys will soon do their job and you’ll get rid of the extra fluid
  • Swollen breasts
  • Cramps as your uterus shrinks back to size
  • Constipation
  • Vaginal soreness
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Incontinence
  • Backache

Caring for your postpartum body

  • Nap when your baby naps.
  • Ask someone to stay with you for a few days after you come home.
  • Family and friends want to bring meals or do chores – let them.
  • Ask family or friends to watch your other kids for a while.
  • Plan small trips to get out of the house. Change can make you feel less tired.
  • Drink extra fluids if you are breast-feeding.
  • Eat a balanced diet with a good mix of protein, fat and complex carbs.
  • Get some air. Take a walk.

Remember, you can’t take good care of your baby if you don’t take good care of yourself.