Women's Health

Women's Health

Managing pain

It’s normal to have concerns about pain during labor and delivery. We are here to help you through this. Be assured that there are pain medications, breathing techniques, labor positions, and other methods to ease your discomfort and help you enjoy your baby’s entry into the world.

You can communicate what type comfort measures or pain relief you want by filling out your birth preference plan, but you can always change your mind once your labor starts.

Pain relief without medicine

Having a support person by your side can help reduce your pain and anxiety.   Massage, focused breathing, or changing positions during labor can also help. Bring some favorite music from …
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Pain relief with medicine

You can choose from several medication options including an epidural, medication in your IV, or local anesthesia to make your labor and delivery more comfortable.
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(Medical help during) labor and delivery

Your health care team monitors you and your baby closely during labor and delivery. Most often, you will deliver your baby with very little help from us. But there are …
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