Women's Health

Women's Health

Seizure disorders

Seizures (also known as epilepsy) need to be carefully controlled during pregnancy to safeguard you and your baby. It’s especially important that you get on the right medication – some seizure medications may be safer for your baby.

Risks to your baby

  • Birth defects linked to some seizure medications include cleft palate; problems with the brain, spine, or spinal cord; bone and joint problems; and heart and urinary tract defects.
  • Learning and developmental problems
  • Lower amounts of oxygen
  • Miscarriage
  • Death around the time of delivery

Risks to mom

  • More frequent seizures
  • Miscarriage
  • Death of baby around the time of delivery

If you have seizure disorders

  • Talk with the doctor who manages your seizure disorder before you get pregnant to get on the right medications
  • Take your medications faithfully
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, illegal drugs, and any medication not prescribed to you
  • Limit caffeine
  • Avoid chemicals found in pesticides, paints, and oven cleaners
  • Eat healthy, be active, and manage your stress
  • Get enough sleep