Women's Health

Women's Health

Birth preference plan

Do you want pain medications during your labor and delivery?  Do you want to cuddle your baby skin-to-skin the minute after he or she arrives?  Do you want your partner to cut your baby’s umbilical cord?

Our goal is to give you the birth experience you’ve envisioned as much as possible, and the best way to tell us what you want is to fill out a birth preference plan.

Filling out the plan is also a good way for you to explore all the choices you have for your labor and delivery and to pick what’s right for you and your baby.

But remember, just in case your labor and delivery don’t go exactly as planned, your medical team may need to change the plan for the safety of you and your baby. You’re free to change the plan too at any time. A birth plan is a great guide, but it isn’t written in stone.