Women's Health

Women's Health

Weight gain in pregnancy

Although you might think you’re eating for 2, that’s not really the case. You really only need about 300 additional calories a day when you’re pregnant. That’s what you’ll get in 1 banana and a 16-ounce glass of nonfat milk.

So here’s the challenge during pregnancy — while you’re not really eating for 2, you do want to gain some weight. The right amount of weight gain is key to your baby’s normal growth and development.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) before you became pregnant will help you determine a healthy weight gain during your pregnancy.  Find out what your BMI is by using our interactive tool.

Are you gaining the right amount of weight? Here’s your guide:

Pre-pregnancy BMI Healthy weight gain per week in 2nd and 3rd trimesters Total weight gain in your pregnancy
Less than 18.5 About 1 pound 28 to 40 pounds
18.5 to 24.9 About 1 pound 25 to 35 pounds
25.0 to 29.9 About ½ pound 15 to 25 pounds
30.0 or more About ½ pound 11 to 20 pounds