Women's Health

Women's Health

Breast care

Breast problems such as lumps, pain, tenderness and nipple discharge are common in women of all ages. It’s only natural to worry about breast lumps or other breast changes, but most of these are normal and can occur with menstrual periods, pregnancy, and aging.

But breast lumps or changes may also be a sign of breast cancer. Early detection is your most important weapon in successful breast cancer treatment.

The two most common ways to detect early-stage breast cancer are:

  • Mammogram. A breast X-ray that can often detect tumors too small for you to feel.
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE). Your doctor carefully feels your breasts and under your arms to check for lumps or other changes.

You play a big part in your breast health too. Tell your doctor right away if you notice any changes in your breasts.

Breast self-examination

Your eyes and your hands are some of the best tools you have to find changes or lumps that may be a sign of breast cancer. If you find any …
Learn More About Breast self-examination >

Breast lumps

Many women between ages 30 and 50 have breast lumps and they turn out to be nothing serious. Lumpy and tender breasts are especially common before you have your period …
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Breast pain

Breath easy…breast pain is rarely an early symptom of breast cancer. Breast pain often comes and goes with your period as your hormone levels rise and fall. It’s more common …
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Breast cancer screening

Early detection is your most important weapon in successful breast cancer treatment. The two most common ways to detect early-stage breast cancer: Mammogram. A breast X-ray that can often detect …
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Breast conditions

Many breast conditions are non-cancerous and not life threatening, but they can still bother you.  And sometimes breast conditions do indicate the presence of breast cancer. In any case, it’s …
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