Women's Health

Women's Health

Breast conditions

Many breast conditions are non-cancerous and not life threatening, but they can still bother you.  And sometimes breast conditions do indicate the presence of breast cancer. In any case, it’s good to be aware of any changes in your breasts and seek the advice from your health care partners.

Fibrocystic breast changes

Fibrocystic breasts aren’t really a disease; they’re more accurately described as a common condition where your breasts get lumpy and tender just before your period. The condition usually goes away …
Learn More About Fibrocystic breast changes >

Nipple discharge

A discharge of fluid from one or both nipples when you are not pregnant or breast-feeding might signal a medical problem, or might mean nothing at all. Two types of …
Learn More About Nipple discharge >

Breast cancer

Causes of breast cancer The exact cause of breast cancer is not known, but we do know that certain factors can increase the risk of cancer. Common risk factors include: …
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