Women's Health

Women's Health

Yeast infections

Yeast infections are very common and occur when there are too many yeast cells growing in the vagina. Symptoms can annoy you, but they usually aren’t serious and are easy to treat.

Causes of yeast infections

Your vagina normally has a small number of yeast cells compared with a large number of bacteria that keep yeast and other organisms under control. Infection can occur when the yeast cells grow too much and upset the balance between yeast cells and bacteria. Yeast cell growth is commonly caused by:

  • Taking antibiotics
  • High estrogen levels during pregnancy
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Diabetes
  • HIV

Symptoms of yeast infections

Symptoms most often appear during the week before your period and can include:

  • Vaginal itching and soreness
  • Pain or burning during urination or sex
  • Odorless, clumpy white discharge

Diagnosing yeast infections

Your doctor may want to do a vaginal exam to confirm that your symptoms are due to a yeast infection.

Treating yeast infections

If you’ve already had a yeast infection and can recognize the symptoms and you aren’t pregnant, you can treat yourself with over-the-counter medications that include:

  • Antifungal cream
  • Antifungal suppository
  • Antifungal tablets

If you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor before using any medication.

Also, if you have more than 4 yeast infections in a year, see your doctor. Your infection might be caused by diabetes or another condition that needs attention.

Preventing yeast infections

  • Practice good genital hygiene
  • Keep your genital area dry
  • Change pads or tampons often
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing
  • Avoid unnecessary antibiotics
  • Control diabetes
  • Eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nonfat dairy products