An alarm clock on a bedside table.

5 tips for better sleep in Georgia

DEC 18, 2017
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According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. Medical experts recommend that adults sleep at least 7 hours each night. But stress, technology, and other factors can make it difficult to drift off.


With the new year comes the opportunity to build better habits. This year, give yourself the gift of a better night’s rest.


Healthy sleep-related habits, also known as sleep hygiene, can be a soothing form of self-care. Here are 5 simple habits that encourage better slumber:


1. Make your bedroom cooler. Many sleep experts agree that the ideal room temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees. Your body temperature naturally lowers as you fall asleep, and a cooler room can help make that happen faster.


2. Avoid caffeine 4–6 hours before bedtime. It can stay in your system and keep you stimulated for a surprisingly long time. From mid-afternoon on, pass on coffee, tea, chocolate, and any pain relievers containing caffeine. For a non-caffeinated swap, try decaf coffee, herbal teas, fruit, or Tylenol.


3. Develop an evening routine. Starting an hour before bed, ease yourself out of your day with relaxing activities like:


  • Taking warm bath
  • Reading a good book
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Writing in a journal
  • Meditating for 10–15 minutes
  • Doing gentle stretches

4. Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed at the same time each night sets your internal clock — your mind and body will come to expect sleep by a certain hour. When possible, stick to your routine even on weekends to avoid sleep issues Sunday night.


5. Exercise early in the day. Certain workouts, such as cardio and strength training, can boost your energy and make it harder to fall asleep afterward. Try to schedule these high-energy workouts in the morning, and keep your evening activity less intense (like yoga or a walk around the block).


If you struggle with more serious sleep issues, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, or want to learn more habits for restful sleep, listen to our Talk Radio Podcast episode, “The ABCs of ZZZs.”


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TOPICSGeorgiahealthy habitssleepsleep hygiene