A woman and a little girl smile nose-to-nose.

6 good reasons to get your flu shot today

SEP 07, 2017
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If you’ve been putting off getting vaccinated, here are 6 reasons to stop waiting and get your shot today.


1. The flu is very serious.


Flu can lead to severe complications that could result in death, including:


  • Brain, heart, and muscle infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Paralysis

Why risk it?


2. The flu can send you to the hospital.


Flu sent about 310,000 people to the hospital last year.1 Even people who are not at high risk may end up in the hospital. Don’t be one of them.


3. People die from flu complications.


In 2013, more people died from conditions associated with the flu than those that died from breast cancer. 2 But unlike breast cancer, the flu can be prevented. Be safe, not sorry.


4. Kids are at serious risk.


In just one flu season, a strain of the virus called H1N1 killed more than 300 children. Protect your kids by getting them vaccinated – and get yourself vaccinated, too.3


5. The flu shot is safe. It can’t give you the flu.


The parts of the virus used to create the vaccine are inactive. They can’t cause infection.4 Fear the flu, not the flu shot.


6. Flu prevention begins with you.


Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu.5 What are you waiting for?


Protect yourself and everyone around you. Get your flu vaccine today!, 2016., “National Vital Statistics Report (NVSR),” 2013., “Update: Influenza Activity — United States, 2009–10 Season,” 2010., “Flu Vaccine Safety Information,” 2015., “Vaccine Effectiveness — How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?” 2015.

TOPICSFluFlu SeasonFlu shot