A spatula flips meat on a grill.

Your checklist for safe summer fun in Georgia

JUN 07, 2018
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Georgia offers something for everyone in the summer — from hiking trails to beaches, and small-town charm to tourist-packed cities. But with any adventure, there comes a certain level of risk.


“The summer is usually what we referred to as ‘trauma season,’” said Stanley Allen, M.D., an emergency medicine physician in Georgia. “We see people doing a lot of things this time of year that put them at a high risk for injuries.”


Common reasons for summertime emergency room visits include:


  • Drownings or near-drownings
  • Head and eye injuries from not wearing protective gear
  • Burns from outdoor grills and fireworks
  • Injuries from falls
  • Heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and exhaustion

The good news is that many of these mishaps are preventable. As you and your family make the most of your summer, remember these safety tips.


Going swimming?


  • Use the buddy system.
  • Choose swimming areas with lifeguards.
  • Never leave young children unsupervised.
  • If you’re not a strong swimmer, use a flotation device like an inner tube, inflatable raft, or pool noodle.

Feel like boating?


  • Take classes on boating if you haven’t already.
  • Always wear a life jacket and make sure kids wear proper flotation gear.
  • Use caution with fishing poles and their hooks.

Enjoy worry-free outdoor entertaining


  • Keep open flames under control, with children at a safe distance.
  • Use caution and follow directions with fireworks.
  • Make sure any open flames are fully extinguished before leaving the area.
  • Drown and bury the smoldering remains of bonfires and campfires with sand or dirt for extra safety.

Stay safe at home


  • To keep small children safe from falls, keep your upstairs windows closed or use window guards to limit how far they open.
  • When tending the yard, don’t let children ride the lawn mower.
  • Make sure anyone involved in home improvement projects wears safety goggles and work gloves.

Make the most of summer sports


  • Wear protective gear and take all regular precautions when rock climbing.
  • Surf in areas with a lifeguard.
  • Wear helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads when cycling, skateboarding, in-line skating, and riding scooters.
  • Bring a buddy when hiking, and leave a note to let loved ones know where you’ll be.

And no matter where you go


  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Use sunscreen — make sure it’s waterproof if you’re swimming.
  • Limit your alcohol intake, especially in the sun, before driving, and before playing sports.
  • Watch for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

With these guidelines in mind, you and your family can safely enjoy all the summer has to offer. Now get out there and have some fun!


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