
Tune in to a better mind-body connection with podcasts

NOV 09, 2015
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‘Tis the season to get healthy. A little time to focus on your well-being goes a long way during the holidays. Take this opportunity to relax, restore balance, and renew your commitment to good health before the New Year.


Engage your mind, body, and spirit through guided imagery

Explore our full library of podcasts that use voice-guided meditation to promote healing, health, and wellness. Each recording uses gentle but powerful techniques to help reduce stress, pain, and fatigue; and increases energy, resilience, and your sense of well-being. The podcasts are no cost.


Dive into the topics you want to focus on:


  • Emotional wellness
    Find balance and peace of mind to help with things like depression, anxiety, and stress.


  • Health conditions and concerns
    Help ease symptoms and heal your body if you’re dealing with issues like pain, menopause, and chemotherapy.


  • Living healthier
    Make healthy lifestyle changes with tools for weight loss, relaxation, quitting smoking, and more.


Listen and re-listen — anytime, anywhere

Play your podcasts often to get the best results. Visit to listen on demand, and download to your computer or smartphone to re-listen later.


Give yourself the gift of caring for your mind, body, and spirit. Next time you need a break, reach for your headphones, breathe deeply, and press play.

TOPICSmind body healthpodcasts