
Articles About drug safety

  • Tier2a_EW_2013-JW-KA2188_JUNE2017_300x300
    MAY 15, 2017

    5 ways to fight antibiotic resistance

    Antibiotics have changed the course of human history. Since coming into widespread use in the 1940s, they’ve helped millions of people survive potentially deadly conditions like meningitis and pneumonia. ... Read More >

    TOPICSantibioticsdrug safetydrug-resistant bacteriaprescriptions

  • CO_REG_16MRx4368_JAN2017_300x300
    DEC 20, 2016

    3 benefits of taking medicine as directed in Colorado

    Have you ever stopped taking antibiotics early because you felt better? Maybe you chose not to continue a prescription because of side effects, inconvenience, or cost. You’re not alone. ... Read More >

    TOPICSColoradodrug safetymedicationprescriptions