1635 Divisadero
1635 Divisadero St., San Francisco, CA 94115
Public transportation
The Muni bus lines stop nearest to 1635 Divisadero St. are: (bus services may change over time, visit SFMTA for latest updates)
- 2 Clement
- 24 Divisadero
- 38 Geary
- 38R Geary
Driving directions
Parking information
There is limited street parking in the neighborhood.
Hourly, patient parking is available a block away at the Kaiser Permanente main medical office building, 2238 Geary Blvd. Entrance is on Geary Boulevard between Divisadero and Broderick Streets.
A shuttle bus is available at 2238 Geary Blvd. that will bring you to our office. Please validate your parking ticket at the reception desk when you register. This will allow you to pay a Kaiser Permanente member parking rate.
More expensive hourly, public parking is available at the parking lot at 1635 Divisadero St. The entrance is on Sutter between Divisadero and Broderick Streets.
Kaiser Permanente San Francisco parking garage rates
Member: $1 per half hour, for the first 3 hours, $2 per half hour after that; $16 for the whole day.
Non member: $12 per hour; $60 whole day