Discover Kaiser Permanente in:

Panorama City

Primary care

Health Starts Here

Primary care is your first stop with us, where you have access to a wide range of health services, including preventive care such as regular health screenings.

Your well-being. Your choice.

Your relationship with your doctor comes first. That’s why as a Kaiser Permanente member, you’re free to choose a doctor you’re comfortable with and who can help you meet your individual health goals.

Once you’ve selected your personal physician, it’s easy to stay in touch. You can use our suite of secure online tools to email your doctor’s office, make routine appointments, check most lab test results, and more*.

If you’re a new member, learn more about what Kaiser Permanente has to offer.

*These features are available for the care you receive at Kaiser Permanente facilities.

Meet some of our Kaiser Permanente physicians on the Kaiser Permanente’s Care Stories Blog.

Family Practice

13640 Roscoe Boulevard
Panorama City, CA 91402

Internal Medicine

13640 Roscoe Boulevard
Panorama City, CA 91402

Mental Health and Wellness

27201 Tourney Road, Suite 110
Santa Clarita, CA 91775
12669 Encinitas Avenue
Sylmar, CA 91342


13640 Roscoe Boulevard
Panorama City, CA 91402