A young woman sips a cup of tea.

Reduce stress this holiday season

NOV 01, 2018
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Dinners, holiday parties, cookie baking, shopping, traveling … ‘Tis one of the busiest and most stressful times of year! But don’t worry. We’ll help you ditch any anxiety you may have — so you can fully enjoy the festivities. Here are 5 ways you can ease your mind and stay healthy.


Get your flu shot


It’s a no-brainer: Being sick is bad news — especially when you’re celebrating the holidays with your family. But the flu is even worse. You may have to miss work for 2 weeks or even be hospitalized. So, what’s your best defense against the flu? A flu shot. It protects you, as well as everyone around you — your kids, your partner, relatives, friends, and anyone else who may be at risk. Flu shots are safe and proven to protect you against the flu.


Make health-conscious travel preparations


Holiday travel can be full of surprises, and we want you to be well for all of them. For tips on how to stay healthy before, during, and after your trip, visit


Sneak in fitness


Between the parties, shopping, and cooking, it can be tough to fit in a sweat session. But now’s the time of year when you need it the most. Workouts help beat stress, boost energy, and burn the extra calories you’re eating. Here are some clever ways to sneak in fitness:


  • Move more. Try taking the stairs or walking as much as possible when you run errands.
  • Get social. Join a walking group at work or squeeze in a quick run with your dog.
  • Break it up. If you can’t find time to do 30 minutes of exercise, do two 15-minute or three 10-minute mini workouts. You’ll get the same health benefits.

Add “healthy” to your helpings


Comfort foods rule the holidays. But all of those high-calorie dishes can add up to extra pounds by the new year. To help give your favorites a face lift, try these tips:


  • Go low. Replace sour cream with Greek yogurt in dips, appetizers, and casseroles.
  • Make it wholesome. Why not bring a healthy dish to the party? That way, if you don’t see anything that’s good for you to eat, at least you have the dish you brought.
  • Get colorful. At the dinner table or buffet, try to replace one starchy dish on your plate with a bright fruit or veggie.

Be party-ready


The holiday season means parties galore with lots of delicious, high-calorie foods. If you want to stick with your health goals and not stress about what you eat, it helps to have a party game plan. Here are some tips to guide you:


  • Don’t show up hungry. Eat a small, protein-packed snack, like tuna, yogurt, or cottage cheese before you head to the party so you’re not starving when you get there.
  • Choose wisely. When you’re filling up your party plate, reach for healthy, high-fiber foods — like fresh veggies and hummus, roasted turkey, or baked tortilla chips and salsa.
  • Ditch the booze. While a glass of wine or a seasonal drink can be enjoyable, it’s not your best bet when you’re trying to stay on track because it equals empty calories. If you do indulge, alternate each drink with water to cut the amount of alcohol you drink.




TOPICSFlu shotHolidaysStresstravel