A man reads on a bench that overlooks a city while two women walk by.

3 ways to help your mood and mind

AUG 19, 2019
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Life can often seem like an ever-growing to-do list. From work to family to household projects, it can feel like there’s no time to relax. However, it’s important to make time for yourself — and find activities that bring you joy.


Here are 3 simple ways you can unwind — and help enhance your quality of life.


Find a good book

Getting lost in a book is a rewarding pastime. And one that also has health benefits. Reading has been found to help reduce symptoms of depression and even improve well-being.1


Luckily, reading is easy to fit into your schedule. You can carry a book almost anywhere — and read as often and for as long as you like.


Keep a journal

Writing in a journal is another way to relax — especially after a long day. Like reading, journaling can benefit your emotional well-being. One study found that expressive writing — writing down your “deepest thoughts and feeling” — can help reduce negative emotional responses, especially in people who experience chronic anxiety.2


Here are some journal entry ideas to get you started:


  • Write about your day, including both the good and the bad parts.
  • Write about how you feel in a particular moment.
  • Write about something you’re excited about.

Listen to music

Immersing yourself in music is a great way to take a breather. You can go with your favorite artist or try to discover new music.


Studies have explored the relationship between music and health — and found evidence that music can reduce stress and improve your mood.3 The effects can even vary depending on the kind of music you listen to, so feel free to experiment.


So, set aside time to unwind — it can help with your health and bring you happiness. And look to our online Wellness resources site for more self-care tips and ideas.



1“Literature Review: The impact of reading for pleasure and empowerment,” The Reading Agency, June 2015.

2Hans S. Schroder et al., “The effect of expressive writing on the error‐related negativity among individuals with chronic worry,” Psychophysiology, September 8, 2017.

3Mona Lisa Chanda and Daniel J. Levitin, “The neurochemistry of music,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences, April 2013.



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