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The Kaiser Fremont Bariatric Surgery Program is accredited as a level 1A with the American College of Surgeons Bariatric Surgery Center Network. This translates to our commitment and accountability to provide safe and high quality surgical care for our weight loss surgical patients.

We offer a multidisciplinary team oriented approach to the management of obesity. Although the surgical operation is an important part of the program, it is only a tool to help patients achieve the long term goal of gaining health through sustainable weight loss. Our team is committed to a partnership with each candidate for weight loss surgery with the goal of maximizing your chances for success while minimizing your risks. The program is designed to provide educational information and resources to help you adjust to the lifestyle changes that will be required after surgery to maintain a healthy weight. Only you can enact this plan and utilize our team and its resources for your success.

Success of weight loss surgery requires commitment to long term lifestyle changes, which include decreased caloric intake, nutrition focused eating, regular exercise, and psychosocial support. The information you will find on this website is designed to provide guidance through the pre-operative and immediate post-operative portions of the program. It is not a recipe to obtain an operation, but a guide to the changes important for success. You are asked to read the material, educate yourself about the procedure, and commit to a plan of action that will prepare you mentally and physically for the surgery. Mental preparation includes attending informational classes and participating in an organized support group regularly. It also includes self-evaluation to understand how we use food in our lives and if obesity offers us any advantages. Physical preparation involves integrating the nutritional material you are learning into your daily life and increasing your activity level, thereby, preparing your body for a much healthier future.

We look forward to working with you in this partnership.