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Support for new parents

Meet and connect with other moms facing similar questions and challenges. In these support groups, you will be able to seek advice from an expert, share your experiences, and learn from others.

La Leche League Meetings

Monthly discussion group with nursing mothers. Talk about overcoming breastfeeding challenges, birth and your baby’s first weeks, art of breastfeeding, and more. Healthy babies are welcome. Pregnant women are invited.
For more information call 510-496-6009 or go to: llli.org.
Dates /Time: Call for dates and times
Location: Call for location details
Fee: No charge
Open to members and non-members


Baby and Me

Weekly drop-in group facilitated by a certified lactation consultant. Talk about breastfeeding, sleeping, crying, adjusting to parenthood, and more. Healthy babies are welcome.  Open to the community.
Dates/Time: Every Monday, 10 a.m. to Noon
San Leandro: Meets Tuesdays from 10:30 to noon;
Fremont group:  Meets Wednesdays from 10:30 to noon; Niles Building
Hayward-Sleepy Hollow is 10:00 to 11:30.
Fee: No charge
Call: 510-784-4531


New Mom’s Support Group

Weekly drop-in support group facilitated by a licensed therapist. Each week one of these topics will be discussed: excitement and fears, baby blues or depression, caring for your baby and yourself, and preparing for work and childcare. Healthy babies are welcome.
Dates/Time: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.
Kaiser Permanente Department of Psychiatry
3555 Whipple Road, Union City CA 94589
Bldg. A, 2nd floor
Fee: No charge
Call: 510-675-3080 to register
For members only