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End of Life Care

Dealing with Grief and Loss

Our Hospice department offers bereavement services, including classes, workshops, support groups, community resource information, and special events. Open to the community.
Information: Visit the Grief and Bereavement page at www.kp.org/hayward/hospice


Hospice Services

Our Hospice Program offers an alternative to traditional medical care at the end of life—a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on providing comfort. Hospice offers medical and nursing services, and spiritual and emotional support. Bereavement support is offered to survivors. Open to Kaiser Permanente members only.
Information:  For more information, please call 510- 675-5777 or visit www.kp.org/hayward/hospice


Life Care Planning

Life care planning beginnings with completing an Advance Health Care Directive to ensure that your values and wishes regarding health care are honored if, for any reason, you are unable to communicate for yourself.  We can help guide you on how to complete an Advance Health Care Directive, what to consider in making health decisions, and choosing a health care agent to speak on your behalf.  Life Care Planning classes are available, or you can arrange to speak with a member of our staff for personalized instruction.  Visit kp.org/lifecareplan or visit Health Education to learn about completing an Advance Care Directive and how to start planning for the future.