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The Day Before Surgery

On the day prior to your operation, it is very important that you do not eat or drink anything after midnight, including water, unless otherwise directed. If you have been specifically instructed to take certain medications on the morning of surgery, please do so with one or two small sips of water. If your child is going to have an operation, you will receive instructions as to when the child must stop eating and drinking. These instructions are very important and are designed to prevent any problems related to regurgitation or reflux of stomach contents during anesthesia.

Please note:  Do not take diabetes medications (including pills or insulin) or any medications with blood-thinning effects (such as aspirin, coumadin, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen) on your day of surgery unless specifically ordered to do so by your surgeon or anesthesiologist.  If you have a cardiac stent, you should not stop any blood-thinning medications including aspirin until you have specifically discussed this with a physician.  Please bathe or shower in the morning or evening before surgery.  Do not shave your surgical site.

Time of Your Surgery

Please call 707-393-4670 between the hours of 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. one business day before your operation to receive the time of your surgery. If surgery is scheduled for a Monday, please call the Friday before.

If you have any questions regarding the above appointments, please call the Surgery Schedulers 707-566-5585.

Surgery Cancellation

If you should develop a cold, a fever, or any other illness before your operation, or if you must cancel your operation for a non-medical reason, please notify us. To cancel your surgery, call the surgery cancellation line at 707-393-4890. If after business hours the night before your surgery, call 707-393-4670 and leave a message.