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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Classes

Back Care Class: 1 session     2 hours

Instruction given in basic body mechanics and lifting with neutral spine emphasis, proper use of ice/heat, positional strategies for pain relief and prevention, basic lumbar unloading techniques, and guidelines for exercise including flexibility, core strengthening, general conditioning and fitness.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Balance Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours

Instruction is given regarding components of balance, strength, and stamina with tips for reducing personal risk for falling. Patients participate in exercises that address balance, coordination, agility training, and training for sit-to-stand. Patients are encouraged to do these exercises daily at home to improve balance and reduce fall risk. In this class, participants will learn and practice exercises that they can do at home to improve balance, strength and stamina, to reduce their risk of falling and to make it easier to get up out of chairs and to climb stairs.

Handouts are included for improving home safety to reduce the risk of falls. Attire: Clothing suitable to exercise in. Class is 90 minutes.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Breast Cancer Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours

This class is designed for individuals who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Instruction covers what to expect after surgery and how to help the healing process. Guidelines and exercises are given to help safely regain shoulder motion. Explanation is given of lymphedema, its causes and risk factors, what individuals can do to help prevent it, how to recognize early signs and what to do if it does develop. Participants are also told of resources available to breast surgery patients at Kaiser Permanente and in the community.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Elbow Class: 1 session     1 hour

This class is designed for those with medial or lateral epicondylitis. Instruction is given by a physical therapist including anatomy, causes and contributing factors for epicondylitis, recommended activity modification, bracing, appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises, and prevention of further problems.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Hand & Thumb Osteoarthritis Class: 1 session     1 hour

Instruction given in hand anatomy, heat modalities, joint protection tips (including different types of braces available over the counter), and exercises.
Email your doctor for a referral.

Hip Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours

Instruction is given in hip anatomy, pain control, posture, body mechanics, and exercises to help with range of motion and strength. Handouts are included.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Knee Osteoarthritis Class: 1 session     1 hour

Instruction given in knee anatomy, pathology, first aid treatment, aerobic, strengthening, flexibility and balance exercise. Progression of the exercise program, precautions and activity modifications explained.
Email your doctor for a referral.

Neck Care Class: 1 session     2 hours

Instruction give in self care for neck and upper back pain. Included in the program is a discussion of anatomy and ergonomics, pillow choices, exercise demonstrations and practice, and self-care strategies that can be used at home. There is also a component on headache management.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Parkinson’s Class: 1 session     1 hour

This class is designed for individuals who have Parkinson’s and their family. Instruction is given in the etiology, patho-physiology, symptoms, prognosis and treatments of Parkinson’s.  You will learn how the Kaiser Permanente Team can help, as well as why certain lifestyle changes and regular aerobic exercise may reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s and help make living with Parkinson’s disease easier.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Patellofemoral Syndrome Class: 1 session     1 hour

Instruction given in knee anatomy, pathology, causes and treatment of Patellofemoral Syndrome. Instruction also given in appropriate aerobic, strengthening, flexibility and balance exercises along with recommended precautions and activity modifications.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Shoulder Impingement Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours

Instruction given in anatomy of the shoulder, posture, proper use of ice/heat, activity modification, positional strategies for pain relief and prevention. Instruction given in exercises to improve shoulder range of motion and strengthen the rotator cuff.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Fall Prevention Class: 1 session     1 hour

Most falls are preventable. Participants will learn about common causes of falls in and around the home and make a plan for one or more specific changes they can make to improve their safety and reduce their risk of falling. Class will also include a demonstration of assorted safety devices. Family members and caregivers are encouraged to attend together.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Plantar Fasciitis Class: 1 session     1 hour

This class provides education on the anatomy of the foot, causes and treatment of plantar fasciitis. Exercises, stretching, taping techniques and foot wear recommendations are taught by a physical therapist.

Email your doctor for a referral

TMJ Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours

Learn how you can decrease your temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) symptoms and prevent the recurrence of TMD pain through self-care and exercise. This single-session, 2-hour class will teach you about both, along with the anatomy and function of the jaw. Location: Santa Rosa Richard Stein Medical Offices, MOB 5, Physical Therapy.

Email your doctor for a referral.

Physical Therapy Classes (that DON’T require a referral) Call (707) 566-5844 to register

Osteoporosis Class: This class is designed for individuals who have or are at risk for developing osteopenia or osteoporosis. Includes instruction in causes and risk factors as well as what can be done to prevent fracture. Diet, exercise, posture, lifestyles, and balance are all covered. Participants are encouraged to develop an individual plan that will address nutrition, exercise, balance, posture and lifestyle changes that they can make to improve their bone health and decrease their risk of fracture.

Pre-op Total Hip Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours
This class explains what preparations to make and exercises to start before having a Total Hip Replacement. It also covers what to expect while in the hospital and after discharge.
Offered every other week

Pre-op Shoulder Class:  1 session  1 hour
This class covers what to expect after surgery, basic range of motion exercises that are safe for the various shoulder surgeries during the early post-operative period, sleep positions, and shower precautions.

Pre-op Total Knee Class: 1 session     1 1/2 hours
This class explains what preparations to make and exercises to start before having a Total Knee Replacement. It also covers what to expect while in the hospital and after discharge.
Offered every other week