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Nutrition and Cancer Webpage


Health, happiness, and energy. The overall pursuit of well-being begins with the foundation of a healthy lifestyle which includes a nutritious diet and exercise. Whether you are looking to prevent cancer, have been diagnosed with cancer, and/or recovering from cancer treatment, healthy food and healthy habits are strongly encouraged.

Researchers are studying many ways to prevent cancer including the role of diet and lifestyle. Eating healthy foods with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables can promote good health and reduce risk for major chronic disease.  A healthy diet can help protect you from some types of cancer including breast (post-menopausal), colon, kidney, mouth, larynx, and esophagus. So far the science suggests that the same simple guidelines that help prevent cancer also help guard against its return.

Listed in the column to the right, you will find nutrition and cancer resources from Kaiser Permanente and the cancer community. We hope you find them helpful in your journey towards wellness.