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Dementia Care Program

Dementia Care Program

The Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Dementia Care Program was developed by the interdisciplinary team in the department of Geriatric Medicine.

Dementia, not a specific disease, is an overall term used to describe a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory and other thinking skills severe enough to affect a person’s ability to perform activities of daily living independently. There are several diseases that cause dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease is known to be the most common one. It is important to know that there are many medical and psychiatric conditions, such as thyroid disorders and depression, that can mimic symptoms of dementia. It is strongly encouraged that the member and family or care partner watch the following videos from the Alzheimer’s Association when there is a concern about changes in memory and other thinking skills.

Neurologists, geriatricians, psychiatrists, and primary care physicians are skilled in diagnosing the condition. Physicians diagnose Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia based on thorough medical/psychiatric history, physical examination, and laboratory tests and sometimes brain imaging to rule out reversible causes.

We have teamed up with Alzheimer’s Association and Redwood Caregiver Resource Center to provide the best possible care. Our goal is to provide our members who have a diagnosis of dementia with education, services, resources, support and guidance every step of the way, to help improve the quality of their lives as well as their caregivers.

If you are caring for someone with dementia, please watch the following recorded video of Caregiver 101 in Dementia Care. We also have caregiver training classes each month. Please contact Redwood Caregiver Resource Center  at 707-542-0282 to sign up. These are 2-hour classes for the family members or caregivers of patients with a diagnosis of dementia. Different topics are presented each month, such as understanding behavior changes. One of the most popular topics presented are Communicating with Moderately and Severely Confused Older Adults, Managing and Understanding Behavior Problems with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Bathing Without a Battle and Mouth Care without a Battle, and Prescription for Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself.