Tipsheets 中文手冊
Arthritis and joints 關節炎和關節
Asthma and lungs 哮喘和肺部
- About Inhaled Steroids 有關吸入性類固醇
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) 慢性阻塞性肺病
- Colds and flu in children 兒童感冒和流感
- Cough in adults and children 成人與兒童咳嗽
- How to prevent the spread of tuberculosis 防止肺結核
- How to use inhaled medications for asthma and COPD 如何使用吸入性藥物
- Living with asthma – triggers 應付哮喘
- My asthma – self management plan 氣喘自我管理計劃
- My asthma action plan – pediatric 氣喘行動計劃
- What is asthma 什麼是哮喘?
Children's health 兒童健康
- Childhood immunizations 兒童免疫注射須知
- Encouraging a Healthy Weight for Your Child 鼓勵孩子吃出健康
- Feeding Your Baby 嬰兒喂哺
- Feeding Your Toddler 幼兒喂哺
- Fever in Children: Fears and Facts 小兒發燒的常識
- Health guidelines for children 兒童健康指南
- Healthy Kids Healthy Futures – Birth to 1 week check up 新生兒檢查
- Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) recommended dosing (布洛芬)和(對乙氨基酚)建議劑量
- Keeping your child healthy during cold and flu season 在傷風和流感季節保護孩子健康
- Keep your children safe: buckle them up! 為兒童繫上安全帶吧!
- My asthma action plan – pediatric 氣喘行動計劃
- Protect your child’s smile: fluoride varnish for young children 兒童牙齒氟化物塗膜
- Shots to Protect Your Child 兒童應接受的疫苗
- Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children 小兒嘔吐與痢疾的常識
Infectious disease 傳染病
- Flu season information 流感季節資訊
- H1N1 (swine flu) and you 豬流感與您
- H1N1 swine flu information 甲型流感須知
- Hepatitis A and B A型和B型肝炎
- Hepatitis A vaccine information sheet A型肝炎疫苗
- Hepatitis B and pregnancy: Care instructions 乙型肝炎與懷孕:護理指引
- Hepatitis B vaccine information sheet B型肝炎疫苗
- Hepatitis B information B型肝炎資訊
- How to prevent surgical site infections 如何避免手術部位感染
- HPV cervarix vaccine info sheet 人乳頭瘤病毒疫苗
- HPV information 子宮頸癌資訊
- Influenza (inactivated) vaccine info sheet 滅活流感疫苗
- Influenza vaccination 流感疫苗
- Japanese encephalitis vaccine information sheet 日本腦炎疫苗
- Meningococcal (Serogroup B) vaccine information sheet 血清组B型腦膜炎球菌疫苗
- Meningococcal vaccine info sheet 腦膜炎球菌疫苗
- MMR Vaccine info sheet 麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及風疹疫苗
- MRSA positive test 金黃色葡萄球菌陽性反應
- Polio vaccine information sheet 小兒麻痺症疫苗
- Rabies vaccine information sheet 狂犬病疫苗
- Shingles vaccine information sheet 带狀疱疹疫苗
- Tetanus diphtheria (Td) or tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (T-dap) vaccine 破傷風,白喉和百日咳疫苗
- Typhoid vaccine information sheet 傷寒疫苗
- Yellow fever vaccine information sheet 黃熱病疫苗
Physical therapy 物理治療
- Acute knee pain – tips and exercise 膝部急性痛提示及運動
- Back problem 如何克服你的背部問題
- Frozen shoulder – tips and exercises 肩週炎提示及運動
- Hip arthritis – tips and exercises 髋關節炎提示及運動
- Lumbar radiculopathy 腰椎神經根病
- Lumbar stenosis: what you can do 腰椎管狹窄症: 可以做些甚麼
- Patello-Femoral syndrome 膝蓋大腿綜合癥
- Shoulder impingement 肩關節夾擠綜合癥
- Temporomandibular joint disorder 牙臼障礙症
Pregnancy 懷孕
- Amniocentesis- About the test 羊膜穿刺術(抽羊水):測試簡介
- Diabetes and pregnancy 糖尿病與懷孕
- Facts about non-invasive prenatal testing 認識非侵性產前檢測
- Healthy weight gain during your prenancy 健康增重
- Hepatitis B and pregnancy: Care instructions 乙型肝炎與懷孕:護理指引
- Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy care instructions 妊娠期間缺鐵性貧血護理指示
- Pain relief for childbirth 分娩鎮痛
- Prenatal screening markers: High or low screening markers 產前篩檢指標
- Protect yourself and your baby from the flu 預防您自己和胎兒患上流感
- Understanding postpartum depression 認識產後抑鬱症
Skin 皮膚
Sleep 睡眠
Women’s health 女性健康
- Abdominal myomectomy – before your surgery 子宮肌瘤剖腹切除術 – 手術前
- Abdominal Myomectomy- what to expect at home care instructions 子宮肌瘤剖腹切除術: 回家以後
- Atrophic vaginitis – care instructions 萎縮性隂道炎 – 就診之後
- Bacterial vaginosis after your visit – care instructions 細菌性隂道病況 – 就診之後
- Breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes 乳癌及卵巢癌的易感基因
- Chlamydia after your visit – care instructions 衣原體疾病 – 就診之後
- Colposcopy – before your procedure care instructions 隂道鏡子宮頸檢查 – 檢查程序之前
- Colposcopy – what to expect at home care instructions 隂道鏡子宮頸檢查 – 回家以後
- Dysfunctional uterine bleed 功能失調性子宮出血
- Genital herpes – after your visit care instructions 生殖器皰疹 – 就診之後
- Heavy menstrual periods – after your visit care instructions 月經流量過多 – 就診之後
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) 人類乳突狀瘤病毒
- Infertility: Frequently asked questions 有關不孕的常見提問
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy 腹腔鏡子宮切除術
- Learning about hysterectomy surgery 認識子宮切除手術
- Menopause, perimenopause, and hormones 更年期,停經期和荷爾蒙的真相
- Pelvic pain can be muscle pain 骨盆腔疼痛可能是肌肉痛
- Premenstrual syndrome 經前症候群
- Understanding postpartum depression 認識產後抑鬱症
- Urinary incontinence in women 女性尿失禁
- Urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染
- Urinary tract infection in women – after your visit care instructions 婦女泌尿路感染 – 就診之後
- Vaginal infection 陰道感染
- Vulvar care guidelines 外陰護理指南
- When Should You Get a Pap Test and Why 何時以及為何應進行子宮頸抹片檢查
- Women and heart disease 婦女與心臟病
Breast Health
Young adult health 青少年健康